Learn more about how to manage errors in the following sections:
FSP Error
503 Service Unavailable
Default generic FSP Error
Something went wrong accessing backend filesystem
503 Service Unavailable
Default generic Error
Resource not found
404 Not Found
File or directory not found
Permission denied
403 Forbidden
Permission denied to access a file or a directory
Resource Already Exists
409 Conflict
File or directory already exists
File Not Uploaded
422 Unprocessable Entity
Error during file upload
Request Error
400 Bad Request
Server could not understand the request due to invalid syntax
User Error
403 Forbidden
Not a valid S3 custom storage
Wrong Username or Password
401 Unauthorized
Wrong user credentials
from 3900
to 3999
Custom error message
Custom HTTP status code
You can return custom errors from your application that will be displayed in the file manager.
To do that we reserved codes from 3900 to 3999. An error sent with an error code number in this range displays the message as the error title and the details as the error text.
Your file storage doesn’t support file names with the character “?”
The front end doesn’t stop the upload, as this character is allowed by other APIs and storages
When your API gets the file, returns the following error: Code: 39105 HTTP Status: 400 Message: Upload error Details: The file name is not allowed. Please make sure it does not contain one or more of these characters: \ / < > ? |
The file manager inside the editor displays:
The onWarning callback returns information about a soft error that doesn’t impact the normal usage of the builder. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.
To handle these warnings, add the onWarning callback to :
The onError callback returns information about the application errors. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.
Here’s an example of the data you can expect when the user asks to generate content:
Here’s an example of the data you can expect when the user applies AI-generated content:
The Bump service is the internal codename for our JSON validation/update service. You can read more in our .
1: In case of a Bump error, the JSON parser forwards to the user the error code it receives from the Bump.
1: Additional details are provided, depending on the error that the content worker is reporting.
2: Additional details are provided, depending on the form field that missed validation.
To handle these errors, add the onWarning callback to :
The onInfo
callback is specifically designed for the and provides real-time usage data with each response, without storing or tracking the information. It also notifies your application when a user clicks on Apply for any AI-generated text suggestion.
To configure this in your app, add the onInfo
callback to your :
bee.save is unavailable
Cannot call bee.save() while template is still loading. Use the onLoad callback to determine when it’s safe to use the save method.
After onLoad(), if bee.save() is not accessible, it’s due to an expired token.
Unknown module name
[Grouping Content tiles]Unknown module name.
Duplicate module
[Grouping Content tiles]Duplicate module
Invalid modulesGroups configuration
[Grouping Content tiles]Invalid modulesGroups configuration
AMP content detected
The template loaded in the builder contains AMP content, but the builder is not configured with an AMP-compatible workspace. You can react to this warning by loading a workspace, using the loadWorkspace(type)
Message: AMP content has been loaded
Workspace not available in current plan
The workspace you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan.
Message: Workspaces not available in [${payload}] plan
Action not available when loading template
The action you’re trying to perform on the builder instance is not available during the loading of a template.
Message: Cannot execute ${payload} during the template Loading
Feature not available in current plan
The feature you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan.
Message: [${featureName}] feat