
The onWarning callback returns information about a soft error that doesn’t impact the normal usage of the builder. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.


To handle these warnings, add the onWarning callback to beeConfig:

onWarning: function(errorMessage) { /* Implements function to handle warning responses */ }


    "code": alfanumeric,
    "message": string


    "code": 1000,
    "message": "Cannot call "send" while template is still loading."

Warning codes



bee.save is unavailable

  • Cannot call bee.save() while template is still loading. Use the onLoad callback to determine when it’s safe to use the save method.

  • After onLoad(), if bee.save() is not accessible, it’s due to an expired token.


Unknown module name

[Grouping Content tiles]Unknown module name.


Duplicate module

[Grouping Content tiles]Duplicate module


Invalid modulesGroups configuration

[Grouping Content tiles]Invalid modulesGroups configuration


AMP content detected

The template loaded in the builder contains AMP content, but the builder is not configured with an AMP-compatible workspace. You can react to this warning by loading a workspace, using the loadWorkspace(type) method. Message: AMP content has been loaded


Workspace not available in current plan

The workspace you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan.

Message: Workspaces not available in [${payload}] plan


Action not available when loading template

The action you’re trying to perform on the builder instance is not available during the loading of a template. Message: Cannot execute ${payload} during the template Loading


Feature not available in current plan

The feature you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan. Message: [${featureName}] feature is not available in [${plan}] plan


Content defaults for the Table module is not valid

Your content defaults are not valid for the table module.


Generic Bump Error

[Template validation] Default generic bump error


Generic Bump Error with warnings

[Template validation] Generic bump error, with warnings.

Note: This error is dynamic. Depending on the scenario, you will receive a different error message.

Use case: When the Bumper returns 200, but there are some portions of the JSON that should be corrected (for example unrecognized fields). The SDK triggers the onWarning, passing to the host-application an additional "warnings" array, containing the warning messages.


Invalid Target Version

[Template validation] The target version does not exists


[validation error detail]

[Template validation] The JSON didn’t pass the validation. The cause may be:

  • Missing keys

  • Added unknown keys

Message e.g.: required key not provided @ data[u'page'][u'body'][u'content'][u'style'][u'color']


Bump template validation error

page/rows/0/columns/0/modules/0/descriptor/table/rows: malformed field (each row must contain the same number of cells)


Missing Template Version

[Template validation] There is no template version in the page


Invalid Template Version

[Template validation] There is no template version in the page


Transformation Error

[Template validation] Issues during JSON version migration


Backward Transformation Error

[Template validation] Issues during JSON version migration


Service Error

[Template validation] System failure not related with invalid json files

onError callback

The onError callback returns information about the application errors. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.


To handle these errors, add the onWarning callback to beeConfig:

onError: function(errorMessage) { /* Implements function to handle error messages */ } // [optional]


    "code": alfanumeric,
    "message": string,
    "detail": string


    "code": 1200,
    "message": "Template cannot be saved."
    "detail": "Type mismatch: scope is undefined"

onInfo callback

This callback relates specifically to the OpenAI AddOn. The AddOn will transmit the usage data provided by OpenAI with each prompt response, without storing or tracking the data.


To handle these errors, add the onInfo callback to beeConfig:

onInfo: function(information) { 
/* Implements function to handle warning responses */ 


  code: number,
  message: `string’,
  detail: object,


AddOn Information
  code: 1000,
message: `Token usage for addon handle: ai-integration’,
  detail: {
    handle: ‘ai-integration’,
    promptId: ‘60bcc837-674c-4226-adad-91ee2a603b57’,
    usage: {
      prompt_tokens: 50,
      completion_tokens: 100,
      total_tokens: 150,
      uid: ‘string’

Last updated


© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens