Last updated
© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens
Last updated
This feature is available on Beefree SDK and above. If you're on the Core or Essentials plan, for free to try this and other Superpowers-level features.
This feature allows the host application to pass custom headers when it triggers a call to their services. The custom headers are added to and to calls.
For example, this could be useful for the security teams of , which would like to pass a JWT (JSON Web Token) when the user, through the file manager, triggers a call to their .
It may be also be used to protect application or customer-hosted content delivered to the editor, such as custom rows or other host app-specific content. The extra token helps the host application to apply an authentication layer to the contacted endpoints.
To activate this feature, the host application must add a specific element to the :
Please note that all custom headers will be prefixed with “X-BEE-“ identifier. For instance, in the example above, the header will be sent to the host app as X-BEE-Authorization
Please note that custom headers must be whitelisted by our team before using them. Please open a support ticket via the if you’re planning to use this feature.