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© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens
Last updated
This feature is available on Beefree SDK and above.
Hosted Saved Rows offers a fully managed solution, eliminating the need to set up and maintain backend systems. With this option, Beefree SDK handles storage, security, scaling, and updates, allowing your team to focus on delivering a great user experience. In addition to managing storage, this option also provides you with a made available to your application's end users through a toggle in the .
This enables application end users to:
Save a row and make it available for reuse in the future.
Add new saved row categories to organize the rows they save.
Edit a saved row's existing name and category.
Delete a saved row.
Update existing saved rows with the option to save them as new saved rows.
Fully managed by Beefree SDK, and activated through a toggle in the Developer Console.
Ideal for teams that want a quick setup without maintaining backend systems.
Offers centralized storage, security, and reliability, while also providing a user interface to save and reuse rows within your application.
Allows for advanced controls through configuring .
To enable Hosted Saved Rows for your application, follow these steps:
Navigate to the application you'd like to configure Hosted Saved Rows for.
Click on Details.
Navigate to Application configuration and click View more.
Scroll to the Saved Rows section.
Toggle on the Hosted on the Beefree SDK Infrastructure option.
Read the pricing information in the popup closely, because additional fees may apply.*
If you'd like to proceed, confirm you read and understand the pricing to activate the feature.
Important: Keep in mind that charges apply for saved rows that are hosted not only in your production applications, but also for your development applications.
*Hosted Saved Rows have the following pricing structure:
Rows saved by your application's end users will be stored and hosted in the Beefree SDK storage option.
End users can save rows directly to the hosted infrastructure and retrieve them as needed.
If you decide to deactivate Hosted Saved Rows:
Return to the Beefree SDK Console.
Toggle the Hosted on the Beefree SDK Infrastructure option to off.
Save your changes.
Hosted Saved Rows are removed from visibility in the builder.
After 90 days, all Hosted Saved Rows data is permanently deleted unless the feature is reactivated.
Yes, if reactivated within 90 days, previously Hosted Saved Rows will be restored. To fully restore rows across all applications, re-enable Hosted Saved Rows for each application.
Beefree SDK has introduced an updated version of the popular Saved Rows feature called Hosted Saved Rows. With this feature, Beefree SDK is responsible for storing Saved Rows in its own S3 Bucket and handling all the necessary steps for allowing your users to save and reuse rows.
End users can now easily save and reuse rows across multiple designs, including emails, pages, and popups. They can quickly find and manage Hosted Saved Rows by category.
We will store your end users' Hosted Saved Rows in a Beefree S3 Bucket. Each row will be exclusively used for the given UID belonging to the subscription.
Log in to the .
Note: Visit our to learn more about Hosted Saved Rows pricing.
Once you've successfully enabled Hosted Saved Rows in the , you'll access the following:
The benefit for your users remains the same—they can save and reuse rows instead of rebuilding them every time. The only difference is that with Hosted Saved Rows, you don't have to develop all the necessary steps within your application on your own. All you need to do is activate the feature through a toggle in the .
Not available
Not available
100 Hosted Rows
250 Hosted Rows
1000 Hosted Rows
Price for extra unit
$0.35/Hosted Rows
$0.25/Hosted Row
$0.20/Hosted Row