Sidebar Widgets Classnames


This guide provides an in-depth look into the classnames used for customizing sidebar widgets in your application. It covers both deprecated and current classnames. Each section includes sample CSS and HTML to help you get started quickly.

Purpose of This Guide

  • Customization: Adapt the appearance and behavior of widgets to align with your specific design and branding needs.

  • Upgrading: Transition from deprecated classnames to current ones for improved functionality and design flexibility.

  • Consistency: Ensure a uniform interface across different widget types and components.

Sections Covered in This Guide

This guide is structured around key widget types to help you efficiently navigate the classnames used in various widgets:

Each of the pages include the name of the widget, a description, a list of deprecated classnames, and a list of current classnames. Additionally, each section provides sample CSS and HTML code.

Customizing Sidebar Widgets

Take the following steps to customize sidebar widgets:

  1. Identify the Widget: Determine the widget type you want to customize (e.g., button, input field, icon, etc.).

  2. Check the Classnames: Refer to the appropriate section of this guide to find both deprecated and current classnames for that widget.

  3. Use the Current Classnames: Implement the recommended current classnames for the widget to ensure future compatibility and consistency.

  4. Apply CSS Variables: Use the sample CSS provided in each section to apply styling changes, customizing colors, padding, borders, etc.

  5. Update the HTML: Modify the HTML structure of the widget as needed, ensuring that the new classnames and styling are applied.

  6. Test Responsiveness: Check your customized widget on different screen sizes to ensure it works smoothly across devices.

  7. Refine as Needed: Make final adjustments to the widget's appearance or behavior to ensure it meets your design and functional requirements.

Following these steps will allow you to customize your sidebar widgets.

Best Practices for Accessibility and Usability

When implementing classnames and customizing widgets, it's important to keep accessibility and usability in mind. Always use <label> elements for form inputs, ensuring that screen readers can associate labels with their corresponding fields. For button elements, use aria-label attributes to provide context for visually impaired users. Additionally, test your layouts for responsiveness across different screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience. By following these practices, you enhance both the accessibility and usability of your application, providing a more inclusive experience for all users.

Next Steps

Explore the following pages for a detailed breakdown of widget-specific classnames and customization options:

Each section offers in-depth information on how to customize the widgets using current classnames and CSS.

Last updated


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