
The onWarning callback returns information about a soft error that doesn’t impact the normal usage of the builder. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.


To handle these warnings, add the onWarning callback to beeConfig:

onWarning: function(errorMessage) { /* Implements function to handle warning responses */ }


    "code": alfanumeric,
    "message": string


    "code": 1000,
    "message": "Cannot call "send" while template is still loading."

Warning codes



bee.save is unavailable

  • Cannot call bee.save() while template is still loading. Use the onLoad callback to determine when it’s safe to use the save method.

  • After onLoad(), if bee.save() is not accessible, it’s due to an expired token.


Unknown module name

[Grouping Content tiles]Unknown module name.


Duplicate module

[Grouping Content tiles]Duplicate module


Invalid modulesGroups configuration

[Grouping Content tiles]Invalid modulesGroups configuration


AMP content detected

The template loaded in the builder contains AMP content, but the builder is not configured with an AMP-compatible workspace. You can react to this warning by loading a workspace, using the loadWorkspace(type) method. Message: AMP content has been loaded


Workspace not available in current plan

The workspace you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan.

Message: Workspaces not available in [${payload}] plan


Action not available when loading template

The action you’re trying to perform on the builder instance is not available during the loading of a template. Message: Cannot execute ${payload} during the template Loading


Feature not available in current plan

The feature you have configured for the builder is not available for your subscription plan. Message: [${featureName}] feature is not available in [${plan}] plan


Content defaults for the Table module is not valid

Your content defaults are not valid for the table module.


Generic Bump Error

[Template validation] Default generic bump error


Generic Bump Error with warnings

[Template validation] Generic bump error, with warnings.

Note: This error is dynamic. Depending on the scenario, you will receive a different error message.

Use case: When the Bumper returns 200, but there are some portions of the JSON that should be corrected (for example unrecognized fields). The SDK triggers the onWarning, passing to the host-application an additional "warnings" array, containing the warning messages.


Invalid Target Version

[Template validation] The target version does not exists


[validation error detail]

[Template validation] The JSON didn’t pass the validation. The cause may be:

  • Missing keys

  • Added unknown keys

Message e.g.: required key not provided @ data[u'page'][u'body'][u'content'][u'style'][u'color']


Bump template validation error

page/rows/0/columns/0/modules/0/descriptor/table/rows: malformed field (each row must contain the same number of cells)


Missing Template Version

[Template validation] There is no template version in the page


Invalid Template Version

[Template validation] There is no template version in the page


Transformation Error

[Template validation] Issues during JSON version migration


Backward Transformation Error

[Template validation] Issues during JSON version migration


Service Error

[Template validation] System failure not related with invalid json files

onError callback

The onError callback returns information about the application errors. You can use this callback to track these errors, display a message or change any behavior in your application. The callback manages JSON as the output data format.


To handle these errors, add the onWarning callback to beeConfig:

onError: function(errorMessage) { /* Implements function to handle error messages */ } // [optional]


    "code": alfanumeric,
    "message": string,
    "detail": string


    "code": 1200,
    "message": "Template cannot be saved."
    "detail": "Type mismatch: scope is undefined"

OnInfo Callback

The onInfo callback is specifically designed for the AI Writing Assistant AddOn and provides real-time usage data with each response, without storing or tracking the information. It also notifies your application when a user clicks on Apply for any AI-generated text suggestion.

To configure this in your app, add the onInfo callback to your beeConfig:

onInfo: function (information) { 
  /* Implement function to handle info events such as when AI-generated text is applied */ 


  code: number,
  message: string,
  detail: object,

Example Response on prompt generation

Here’s an example of the data you can expect when the user asks to generate content:

AddOn Information
  "code": 1000,
  "message": "Token usage for addon handle: ai-integration",
  "detail": {
    "handle": "ai-integration",
    "promptId": "60bcc837-674c-4226-adad-91ee2a603b57",
    "usage": {
      "prompt_tokens": 50,
      "completion_tokens": 100,
      "total_tokens": 150,
      "uid": "string"

Example Response on prompt apply

Here’s an example of the data you can expect when the user applies AI-generated content:

    "code": 1001,
    "message": "Prompt '60bcc837-674c-4226-adad-91ee2a603b57' has been applied",
    "detail": {
      "handle": "ai-integration",
      "promptId": "60bcc837-674c-4226-adad-91ee2a603b57",
      "moduleId": "9c2c6e63-f9c3-4e8d-9e3e-f9a658fefe46",
      "content": "Discover the Best Email Editor"

Last updated

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