Learn more about AddOn options within Beefree SDK and how you can use them to offer your end users extended features and functionality.
Beefree SDK includes Partner AddOns and Custom AddOns that you can incorporate into your application. At a high-level, these AddOns enable you to add extended functionality and capabilities to your application. These extended functionalities empower you to customize your end users' experience based on their interests and the desired tasks they are trying to perform with your app. The AddOns work as additional features you can opt in for on top of the base features that come with your Beefree SDK plan type.
There are two types of AddOns: Partner AddOns and Custom AddOns. Partner AddOns can easily be integrated with your application in a matter of minutes by installing them inside of the Developer Console. They are available for the following Beefree SDK plan types:
Custom AddOns are useful when there is a feature you'd like to offer within your application that is not available in our AddOn Marketplace within the Developer Console. In these instances, you can develop your own Custom AddOns for your application's end users. They are available for the following Beefree SDK plan types:
🔍 AddOns Overview: Learn more about AddOns at a high-level.
🛠️ Custom AddOns: Learn more about Custom AddOns, and how to develop and implement your own custom built AddOn.
🤝 Partner AddOns: Learn more about Partner AddOns that are available within the Beefree SDK Developer Console, and how to integrate them into your application.
🎨 AddOns Configuration: Learn more about client-side configuration for Custom and Partner AddOns.
❓AddOns FAQs: Reference frequently asked questions about Beefree SDK's Custom and Partner AddOns.
Last updated