Connect your file storage system

As you may have noticed, when you create a new Beefree application, it comes with a default cloud storage option for files (images or files that the message uses or links to). This approach may fit well for applications that offer content creation for the first time, especially if they don’t need to share these files with other areas of the host application.

If you do want users to be able to access the same image and file directories that they use elsewhere in your application, we have a solution.

We created a way to connect to a custom file system provider, allowing you to use your own file storage, no matter which technology you use. A custom file system provider is an API that will allow a Beefree SDK application to perform actions with files outside of the Beefree SDK system, connecting your file system to the Beefree SDK File Manager.

It can be built with your preferred technology: just be sure to follow our instructions to ensure successful communication between the two systems.

Once successfully connected, when a user uploads a file or creates a new folder in the Beefree File Manager, this API will perform these actions in your storage, instead of our default cloud storage. Directories permissions, root directory to use, how thumbnails for images are generated, etc.: you decide.

Getting Started: Data Formats

In order to let your Beefree application consume your FSP (File system provider) API, you will need to provide a Base URL to reach the API.

Base URL:

Note that:

  • the Base URL must not end with a trailing slash (/)

  • it must be hosted on the HTTPS protocol

The API uses JSON as the input and output data format: Responses are JSEND standard compliant.

In the event of a successful response, the API returns a “success” status code (ex. 200 OK) and a JSON object such as the following:

  "status": "success",
  "data": { /* ... */ }

In the event an unexpected error occurred during request processing (i.e. missing mandatory request data), the API returns an “error” status code and a JSON object such as the following:

{"status":"error","message":"something went wrong accessing backend filesystem"}

In the event a request fails, the API returns the error codes described in the Error codes section.


Authentication is managed using Basic Authentication type. The Beefree SDK system’s resource server works as a proxy for FSP (File system provider) and consumes FSP API endpoints adding the following fields to HTTP Request Headers. Please note that the API must use HTTPS to grant secure connections and safe data transfer.

User information is segmented by UID parameter.

Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)
X-BEE-ClientId: ClientId
X-BEE-Uid: uid


Authentication used is Basic. A string formatted as username:password and encoded in base64 is passed


The ClientId (to identify the integrator)


The uid (ex. useful to identify the user of an integrator)

Ensure you save the username, password, and base URL in the Configuration section of the Beefree SDK Console.

Move Files in the File Manager

You can enable the move icon for files within the File manager. This move icon allows your end users to move their files between folders, locations, and so on within the File manger. They can access the move icon directly on the file within the File manager. The move icon is a folder with an arrow pointing right inside it. End users click this icon to initiate the process of relocating the corresponding file to a new destination.

Complete the following tasks to enable the move files feature for your custom FSP:

  • Add a can-move field in the extra object in the listing directory content response. Reference the Listing Directory Content section for steps on how to complete this.

  • Modify the listing response to limit its content when the request includes the x-bee-fsp-flags: move header. Reference the Listing for Move Dialog section for steps on how to complete this.

  • Implement a PATCH method for file URLs with conflict_strategy management. Reference the Implement PATCH Method section for steps on how to complete this.

File System operations

This section will show samples of successful requests to FSP (File system provider) API. A response contains metadata about directory and files.


In this section, we define the following types of metadata:

Common Meta

The following table lists the fields, descriptions, types and examples for the FSP API response common meta.



application/directory for directories and specific mime-type for files


“application/directory”, “images/png”, …


resource name


“my file.jpg”


absolute path to resource in FSP


“/absolute/path/to/my file.jpg”, “/absolute/path/to/my directory/”, …


UNIX time with (milliseconds) of last modification of this resource


1445401740000 (stands for: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 04:29:00 GMT)


size (in byte) of the resource, this is zero (0) for directories




defines the access grants to the resource, can be ro for read-only access or rw for read-write access


ro or rw


generic extra data (for future extensions)


File-specific Meta

The following table lists the fields, descriptions, notes and examples for the FSP API response file-specific meta.



Public url of this file

This field must be url-encoded



Public url of the thumbnail of this file

This field is optional and must be url-encoded


Directory specific Meta

The following table lists the fields, descriptions, notes and examples for the FSP API response directory-specific meta.



number of contained items (directories + files)

This parameter is optional, if you don’t have this data, feel free to pass zero 0


Listing Directories

Description: Use this to list the directories within the File manager.


The following code shows an example request for listing directories.

Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444


The following code shows an example response for listing directories.

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "meta": {
            "mime-type": "application/directory",
            "name": "root",
            "path": "/",
            "last-modified": 1432982102000,
            "size": 0,
            "permissions": "ro",
            "item-count": 2,
            "extra": {}, // if null, please use empty object
        "items": [
                "mime-type": "application/directory",
                "name": "shared",
                "path": "/shared/",
                "last-modified": 1432984102000,
                "size": 0,
                "permissions": "ro",
                "item-count": 13,
                "extra": {}, // if null, please use empty object
                "mime-type": "application/directory",
                "name": "mydir",
                "path": "/mydir/",
                "last-modified": 1432982102000,
                "size": 0,
                "permissions": "rw",
                "item-count": 3,
                "extra": {}, // if null, please use empty object

Each resource returned by the API has a meta field with metadata. Directory content is returned into items field as array of metadata of contained resources.

Resource access notes

Some notes about resources access management in the previous example:

  • /shared/ cannot be renamed, because it is contained in a ro directory

  • /mydir/ cannot be renamed, because it is contained in a ro directory

  • user cannot “CRUD” resources in /shared/, because it is ro

  • user can “CRUD” resources in /mydir/, because it is rw

Listing Directory Content

Description: This response tells the user interface (UI) whether or not to show the move icon for files within the File manager.

Display the Move Icon

The can-move property controls whether or not the move button is visible within the user interface (UI).

Take the following steps to display the move icon for file within the File manager:

  1. In the response of the listing endpoint, add a new field named can-move within the extra object for each file item.

  2. The can-move field has a boolean value indicating whether the file can be moved. You can set this value to true or false.


The following code shows an example request for listing directory content.

GET /mydir/
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444


The following code snippet shows an example of the can-move property set to true.

    "name": "image1.jpg",
    "path": "/image1.jpg",
    "last-modified": 1703065836532,
    "permissions": "rw",
    "mime-type": "image/jpeg",
    "size": 184149,
    "public-url": "",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "extra": {
        "can-move": true

Response Metadata

The following table shows the response metadata and its corresponding type and description.




File name.



File path.



The date that the file was last modified.



The permissions for the file.



The file mime type.



The size of the file.



The public-url to access the file.



The thumbnail URL.



The object that contains the can-move property to true or false.



A boolean key within the extra object that displays the move button on a file in the File manager when set to true.

Listing for Move Dialog

Description: When the move button is pressed, the "move dialog" appears and the usual listing URL is called.

The following image shows an example of the move dialog. This dialog appears after the end user clicks on the move icon for a file. In the image, you can see that the move dialog includes a list of directories for the end user to select from in order to relocate the file.

The following code shows an example of the GET request that occurs when the move icon is pressed within the File manager and the "move dialog" appears. This GET request includes the x-bee-fsp-flags: move header, which is responsible for this behavior.

GET /mydir/
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444
X-BEE-fsp-flags: move

The move dialog only shows folders. The GET request will return the full response, including the folders and the files. However, the response will only show items with "mime-type": "application/directory" . The File System Provider recognizes this call by the x-bee-fsp-flags: move header.

For the move dialog to work effectively, it is important that you limit the size of the response. Ensure that the response to this request only contains folders and not any files.

Create a new directory

Description: Use this when creating a new directory within the File manager.


The following code shows an example request for creating a new directory.

POST /mydir/new%20dir/
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444


The following code shows an example response for creating a new directory.

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "meta": {
            "mime-type": "application/directory",
            "name": "new dir",
            "path": "/mydir/new dir",
            "last-modified": 1432982102000,
            "size": 0,
            "permissions": "rw",
            "item-count": 0,
            "extra": {}, // if null, please use empty object

Create operation notes:

  • in order for the create directory operation to succeed, the containing directory must exist, and the contained (new) directory must not exist

  • directory names will match the following regular expression: [ a-zA-Z0-9._- \(\)]+

Deleting a directory

Description: You can only delete empty directories. Use this to delete a directory when it is empty.


The following code shows an example request for deleting a directory.

DELETE /my%20dir/docs/
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444


The following code shows an example response for deleting a directory.

    "status": "success",
    "data": null

Uploading a file

Description: Use this method when uploading a file to the File manager.


The following code shows an example request for uploading a file.

POST /mydir/my%20pic3.png
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444
Content-Type: application/json
  "source": "",
  "conflict_strategy": "keep"


The following code shows an example response for uploading a file.

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "meta": {
            "mime-type": "image/png",
            "name": "my pic3.png",
            "path": "/mydir/my pic3.png",
            "last-modified": 1432982102000,
            "size": 400000,
            "permissions": "rw",
            "public-url": "",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "extra": {}, // if null, please use empty object

Managing a File Name Conflict

Handling Upload Conflicts

If an upload has a name conflict with an existing file in the target folder, the FSP must decide how to manage this conflict:

  1. Return an Error: Notify the user about the conflict and do not proceed with the upload.

  2. Ask the User: Prompt the user for instructions on how to handle the conflict.

  3. Overwrite File: Replace the existing file with the new upload.

  4. Rename and Complete: Complete the upload using a different name, usually by appending a suffix. Ensure the metadata is consistent with the newly created file.

Ask the user what to do: The FSP can prompt the user for action only if the conflict_strategy field is set to ask. In this scenario, the FSP must return a 3400 error code, instructing the Builder to display a dialog to the user.

Example response:

  "code": 3400,
  "message": "Resource Already Present"

When the user clicks the keep or replace buttons, a new upload request is sent to the FSP with the conflict_strategy field set to either keep or replace.

If there's a filename conflict, the FSP should return a 3401 error code. This instructs the Builder to show a toast notification to the user and prompt them with a dialog.

Upload Operation Notes

Uploads are proxied by Beefree’s resource APIs, which enforce the maximum file size configured by the Console. Uploads from various sources are handled as follows:

  • Image Editor: POST to /editor_images/{filename}. Filename is a UUID.

  • Page Builder Favicons: POST to /favicon_images/{filename}.

  • Stage: POST to /editor_images/{filename}.

Deleting a file

Description: Use this to delete a file within the File manager.


The following code shows an example request for deleting a file.

DELETE /mydir/my%20pic2.png
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444


The following code shows an example response for deleting a file.

    "status": "success",
    "data": null

Implement PATCH Method

Description: When the move icon is clicked in the File manager, the File System Provider (FSP) will receive this call. It is a PATCH on the URL of the file to move.

The final step in activating the move feature within your File manager is to configure a conflict resolution strategy. This strategy is triggered when there is a file conflict within the File manager.

An example of a conflict is when you are moving a file from one folder to another, but the destination folder has an existing file with the same name as the file being moved to that folder. For example, you want to move a pizza.jpg file to a folder that already contains a pizza.jpg file. In this scenario, there is a conflict because both files cannot have the same name.

The PATCH Method enables you set a conflict_strategy that resolves scenarios like these when they occur.

The following code shows an example of this method.

PATCH /mydir/file-to-move.jpg
Authorization: Basic 5AMPL3
X-BEE-ClientId: BeeFree
X-BEE-Uid: 1111-2222-333-444
Content-Type: application/json

 "new_path": "/my/other/dir/",
 "conflict_strategy": ""

Move Response in Case of Success

The following response is the same as the upload method. This is the response you will see in the event that a file was successfully moved to a new location.

 "status": "success",
 "data": {
 "meta": {

Move Response in Case of Name Conflict

This is the response you will see in the event that a file was not successfully moved to a new location, and an error occurred.

 "code": 3400,
 "message": "Resource Already Present"

In the event a name conflict occurs, the File manager displays a dialog to the user. You have three options to select from to resolve this conflict using the conflict_strategy which is passed to the FSP.

These three conflict resolution options are the following:

  • cancel ( "conflict_strategy": "" ): nothing happens

  • keep both ( "conflict_strategy": "keep" ): move the file, in order to keep both files our implementation appends a suffix to the new one. For example, the pizza.jpg file will become pizza_1.jpg ( _2 , _3 , ...)

  • replace ( "conflict_strategy": "replace" ): move the file, it overwrites the old file with the new one

Status codes and Error codes

In case of errors, the API returns a JSON object structured like this:

    "code": 3200,
    "message": "Resource Not Found",
    "details": ""

To read the full list of possible errors, please refer to this page.

Displaying thumbnails

Thumbnail generation is up to the developer of the file system provider.

In case you don’t want to develop your own thumbnail generation procedure, you can use a service like rethumb by Rapid to create a thumbnail URL.

The thumbnail field is optional, so if you don’t want a thumbnail for your file, do not pass the field and the Beefree system will show you a generic icon based on the mime type you passed.

The thumbnail image must be contained in a 200px by 200px virtual square (see pictures below).

Last updated

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