Custom AI Writing Assistant

Learn how to connect your large language model (LLM) and create your own AI Writing Assistant with Beefree SDK.

This AddOn is available on Beefree SDK Enterprise and VPC plans.


The Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn enables host applications to integrate their own LLM models with Beefree SDK. This allows host applications to provide their end users with advanced AI writing capabilities that are specific to their domains. Using the Content Dialog, this AddOn employs the same entry points as the AI writing assistant, allowing full control over the AI experience within your application. Once your Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn is fully configured, the Content Dialog displays the modal you created within the user interface when end users click the Write with AI button in the sidebar.

This AddOn is compatible with the following modules:

  • Title

  • Paragraph

  • List

  • Button

With this AddOn, you can deliver a centralized assistant experience that caters to your specific application needs. By integrating your own LLM model, you reduce irrelevant content in AI-generated outputs and ensure consistency in how the AI generates content, all while aligning it with your brand’s voice and tone. This increased level of control helps increase AI adoption and usage across your customer base, because your end users are engaging with an AI tool that feels familiar and reliable.

Integrating your custom LLM also allows for continuous improvement, because the model can be trained and refined based on user feedback and real-world interactions. This results in more accurate suggestions, higher relevance, and greater user satisfaction, empowering your end users to create better content with minimal effort.

The following video displays an example of a Content Dialog with a custom built user interface that is connected to the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn.


Prior to getting started with the configuration, ensure you have the following:

Configuration Steps

This section outlines the steps you need to take to integrate the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn into your web application.

These steps are the following:

Install and Enable the AddOn

Take the following steps to install and enable the AddOn:

  1. Click on the Details button corresponding to the application you'd like to configure the AddOn for.

  2. Go to the AddOns section and click Browse AddOns.

  3. Search for and select the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn.

  4. Once selected, click Install.

  5. After installation, toggle the Enable button and save your changes.

Note: You can revisit this page in the future by clicking Edit in the AddOn card to turn the AddOn on or off as needed.

Once you activate the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn with your own LLM, you cannot activate the AI Writing Assistant AddOn, which uses either OpenAI or Azure OpenAI models. Only one of these two AddOns can be active.

Content Dialog Configuration

To use the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn, you need to configure the Content Dialog. This is important for defining how your custom LLM is called and how the response is handled.

The following code snippet displays an example configuration:

contentDialog: {   
  customLLM: {
    label: 'Custom LLM',
    handler: (resolve, reject, args) => {
      resolve({ generatedText: `This is module ${args.moduleUUID}, I'm a ${args.moduleType} and my content was ${args.moduleContent}` })
  1. Args Parameter Details The args parameter contains the following:



    Unique identifier for the module


    Type of the module (e.g., TITLE, PARAGRAPH, LIST, BUTTON)


    Current content of the module unless it matches the default content. If it does, the value will be an empty string.

  2. Configure Resolve The content dialog must resolve an object corresponding to this interface:

      generatedText: string
    • Handling Lists: If you are working with a list, ensure the generated text separates each item with a line break. The text will then be split on each line break to construct the list in the stage. The syntax for a line breaks is \n.

Advanced Permission Management

You can control the visibility and state of the Write with AI button using Advanced Permission settings. For example, disabling the AddOn will hide the button, while turning the button off will keep it visible but non-functional.

The following code snippet displays an example configuration for Advanced Permissions:

addOns: [
    id: "custom-ai-integration",
    enabled: true,
    settings: {
      isButtonDisabled: false

Disable the AddOn for Specific Blocks

You can disable the Custom AI Writing Assistant for specific content blocks using Advanced Permissions. As a reminder, this AddOn is compatible with the following content blocks:

You can use Advanced Permissions to disable access to a specific block using the following:

aiIntegration: {
            locked: false,
            show: false

To hide the AddOn for a specific module, the show property should be set to false.


The table below outlines the settings available for the ai-integration AddOn in the Beefree SDK:

Data Type




If false, the “Write with AI” button is hidden




If true, the “Write with AI” button is visible but disabled

Edit the Button Label

After your activate and configure this AddOn, a Write with AI button will appear to your application's end users for the applicable content blocks.

The following video displays how the Write with AI button inside the Content Properties once a content block is dragged and dropped onto the stage.

The following section provides an example of changing the Write with AI button text to "Generate copy". You can follow the same approach in the following example, but replace "Generate copy" with the text you'd like to use for your label.

Edit Label Example

To change the "Write with AI" button label to "Generate copy" using the mailup-bee-common-component-ai.config-label, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the BeeFree SDK: Initialize your beeConfig object as usual.

  2. Add the translations object: In your beeConfig, include the translations object where you will specify the label override.

  3. Override the label: Inside the translations object, add the "mailup-bee-common-component-ai.config-label" key and set its value to "Generate copy".

var beeConfig = {
    uid: config.uid,
    // additional configuration properties...
    translations: {
        "mailup-bee-common-component-ai.config-label": "Generate copy"
    // other properties...

This will update the button text from "Write with AI" to "Generate copy."

Additional Considerations

Consider the following when using the Custom AI Writing Assistant AddOn:

Last updated


© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens