Add New Social and Form

Add New Social and Form

On this page, you can reference the classnames added to the form and social content types in the content sidebar tab. The classnames listed on this page related to adding new fields for forms and adding social icons. These updates improve accessibility and the consistency of elements within these widgets.

Classnames that have been removed during this update are listed further down for your reference.

Manage Fields - Add new field

The following table included deprecated and new classnames for the Form content.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • toggle-menu-button--cs

  • button-large--cs

  • widget__textbox

  • widget__searchbox

  • scrollable__panel--cs

  • button-small--cs

  • add-form-field--cs

  • dropdown-menu--cs

  • dropdown-menu-button--cs

  • dropdown-menu-search--cs

  • input-search--cs

  • dropdown-menu-scrollable--cs

  • dropdown-menu-item--cs

Configured icon collection - Add social icon

The following table included deprecated and new classnames for the Social Icon.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • icons-manager__pop--cs

  • icons-manager__popcontent

  • popver__tab

  • social-add-icon--cs

  • button-small--cs

  • add-social-icon--cs

  • dropdown-menu--cs

  • dropdown-menu-button--cs

  • dropdown-menu-search--cs

  • input-search--cs

  • dropdown-menu-scrollable--cs

  • dropdown-menu-item--cs

Last updated


© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens