Font Style Drag-and-Drop Widgets

This page covers widget classnames for content in the sidebar, and lists the classnames for the following widgets:

Font Style

The following table lists the content, deprecated classnames, and new classnames for font styles.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames

Form - Label

  • tgl-container

  • tgl-container--cs

  • item_1-2

  • widget__label

  • btn-group

  • number-selector

  • number-selector--cs

  • tgl_bgd

  • multiToggle_option_descriptor_form_style_labels_font-weight_0

  • multiToggle_option_descriptor_form_style_labels_font-weight_1

  • button-default--cs

  • button-medium--cs

  • button--cs"

  • active

  • multi-toggle--cs

  • multi-toggle-btns--cs

  • toggle-btn-pressed--cs

Form - Button

  • title_icon

  • icon-organizer__panel

  • panel__icon-preview-wrapper

  • panel__title

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • multi-toggle--cs

  • multi-toggle-btns--cs

  • toggle-btn-pressed--cs

Configure Icon Collection

The following table lists the content, deprecated classnames, and new classnames for the icon collection.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • item_1-2

  • widget__label

  • title_icon

  • icon-organizer__panel

  • panel__icon-preview-wrapper

  • panel__title

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • social-collection-list--cs

  • panel__title--cs


  • item_1-2

  • widget__label

  • icon-organizer__panel

  • panel__icon-preview-wrapper

  • panel__title

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • icons-collection-list--cs

  • panel__title--cs

Configure Menu Items

The following table lists the content, deprecated classnames, and new classnames for menu items.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • item_1-2

  • widget__label

  • icon-organizer__panel

  • icon-organizer__panel--cs

  • panel__icon-preview-wrapper

  • panel__title

  • title__icon

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • items-collection-list--cs

  • item-organizer__panel--cs

  • panel__title--cs

Manage Fields

The following table lists the content, deprecated classnames, and new classnames for manage fields.

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • item_1-2

  • widget__label

  • icon-organizer__panel

  • icon-organizer__panel--cs

  • panel__icon-preview-wrapper

  • panel__title

  • title__icon

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • form-items-list--cs

  • form-item__panel--cs

  • form-field-item-id--cs

ContentDeprecatedNew Classnames


  • icon-manager__add-icon--cs

  • icon-organizer__panel--cs

  • comp-tree-placeholder

  • widget__label--cs

  • carousel-slides-list--cs

  • carousel-add-slide-btn--cs

  • slide-organizer__panel--cs

Last updated


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