
The various classnames and data-qa attributes associated with entities within the application that feature sliders. These identifiers are crucial for styling and testing purposes, tailored to different areas like Add-On, Button, Form, and Image entities where sliders are a key component.

This page will cover button classnames for the following sidebar areas:


This section lists the classnames for sliders within the Content tab.

EntitySidebar WidgetDeprecatedNew ClassnamesData-QANotes

Add-On (Image)

  • Width

  • BeeImageWidth_*

  • BeeWidthSlider_*

  • rc-slider*

  • slider--cs

  • slider-wrapper--cs

  • slider-btn

data-qa was moved from a div to the actual input element


  • Width

  • BeeImageWidth_*

  • BeeWidthSlider_*

  • rc-slider*

  • slider--cs

  • slider-wrapper--cs

  • slider-btn

data-qa was moved from a div to the actual input element


  • Width

  • Button Width

  • BeeWidthSlider_*

  • rc-slider*

  • widget-BeeImageWidth

  • slider--cs

  • slider-wrapper--cs

  • slider-btn

data-qa was moved from a div to the actual input element


  • Width

  • BeeImageWidth_*

  • BeeWidthSlider_*

  • rc-slider*

  • slider--cs

  • slider-wrapper--cs

  • slider-btn

data-qa was moved from a div to the actual input element


This section lists the classnames for sliders within the Settings tab.

EntityDeprecatedNew ClassnamesData-QANotes

Content Area Width

  • BeeWidthSlider_*

  • rc-slider*

  • slider--cs

  • slider-wrapper--cs

  • slider-btn

data-qa was moved from a div to the actual input element

Last updated


© Bee Content Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA | Part of Growens