Co-editing in the Builder


Co-editing is a feature that enables multiple users to work on the same design simultaneously. Designed to enhance team collaboration and streamline the design process, this feature shows real-time edits made by all participants. In addition to seeing live changes, co-editing also integrates with a commenting feature for more efficient communication. A maximum of 5 users can participate in a single co-editing session.

User Identification

When you enter a co-editing session, avatars for each participant appear at the bottom of the builder interface. Each avatar has a unique color and displays the user's initials. These visual cues help identify who is actively participating in the co-editing session.

Real-Time Changes

All changes made during a co-editing session are automatically updated across the builder for every participant. If a sixth person attempts to join, they will be notified that the maximum number of users has been reached and must wait for someone to exit before they can join.

Integration with Commenting

Co-editing works seamlessly with the Commenting feature in the builder. Each user’s comments are tagged with an avatar matching their co-editing avatar. These colors are system-assigned and cannot be changed, providing a consistent method for identifying who made each comment.

Limitations: Undo and Redo

The undo and redo features are deactivated during a multi-user co-editing session to prevent unintended changes to another user's work. For example, if Julia and Andrés are both editing, Julia could inadvertently undo Andrés' changes if she used the undo feature.

However, these features work as expected if you are the only one in the builder, restoring their functionality when the co-editing session has only one participant.

Last updated