Configuring Settings


The Settings tab in the builder provides a centralized location for setting up configurations that apply across your entire design. These settings range from mandatory options like content area width and alignment to optional ones like favicon and language settings.

General Options

  • Content Area Width: This specifies the maximum width for the content area when viewed on large devices. On smaller screens, this setting is ignored.

  • Content Area Alignment: This sets the default alignment for text in the content area. While the standard setting is centered, you can choose to align it to the left.

  • Background Color: Defines the default background color for the entire design. Note that this can be overridden at the row, column, or content block level.

  • Content Area Background Color: This sets the background color specifically for the content area.

  • Default Font: Select a default font family that will apply to all content elements across your design. You can override this at the content block level.

  • Link Color: Sets the default color for hyperlinks in the design. This setting can also be overridden for individual elements.

Optional Properties

These are settings you can choose to implement but are not required.

  • Favicon: Available only in the Page Builder, this allows you to upload a favicon that will appear in the tab of your web browser.

  • Language: Allows you to set an HTML language attribute, aiding in accessibility by helping screen readers to correctly pronounce the text. In the context of web pages, it can also aid in search engine optimization by making the content discoverable in language-specific search results.

Applying the Settings

To apply these settings, navigate to the Settings tab in your builder. Fill in the general and optional settings as needed. General options should be populated by default based on the template or brand settings you are using. Adjust these if needed. Optional settings can be left empty if they are irrelevant to your design.

Last updated