Design Builder Overview

Key Components

  • Stage: Drag and drop content blocks and rows here for initial layout.

  • Sidebar: Fine-tune your design elements like colors, fonts, and more.

User Tips

  • An icon between the Stage and Sidebar lets you minimize the Sidebar, giving you more space to work.

  • To begin your design, select an element from the Sidebar.

    • Design Components: Settings, Rows, and Content Blocks

Settings for Global Design Defaults

The Settings tab is your starting point for any design, allowing you to establish global design elements that both Rows and Content Blocks will inherit.

Here, you can manage:

  • Content area width and alignment

  • Background and text colors

  • Default font and link colors

  • Optional settings like language and favicon (relevant for Pages)

These settings bring cohesion to your design, ensuring elements like font families are consistent throughout, unless overridden by custom settings in Rows or Content Blocks.

Rows: Your Structural Backbone

Rows serve as the foundational layout elements, defining the horizontal arrangement of sections within your design.

Features include:

  • Up to six columns for emails and twelve for pages, accommodating various content elements side by side.

  • Ability to choose different column configurations.

  • Customizable features like background color, border, and mobile behavior for each row or specific columns within a row.

  • "+Add new" button to add new columns and a separator icon for resizing existing columns.

  • Individual column settings like background color, padding, and border, accessible by clicking on the column in the Sidebar (highlighted in purple for easier identification).

Content Blocks: Detailing Your Design

Content Blocks are your go-to for adding specific elements to your design.

Features include:

  • Auto-adjustment to the column width when dragged into a row.

  • A range of options like Text-Based (Title, Paragraph, List), Media (Image, Video, GIF), Interactive (Button, Social Media Icons), and Layout Tools (Divider, Spacer, Menu).

  • Advanced Elements like HTML and Sticker are also available.

  • Individual settings for each block, like custom padding and visibility, accessible via a property panel in the Sidebar once the block is selected.

With these three main components—Settings, Rows, and Content Blocks—you have a powerful toolkit for crafting designs that are both cohesive and flexible.

Last updated