Saved Rows

What Are Saved Rows?

Saved rows are pre-configured sections of design that you can store for future use in the builder. These rows could contain a variety of elements like text, images, or buttons, arranged in a specific way. They're a shortcut for adding complex structures you plan to reuse.

Key Characteristics:

  • Reusability: Once saved, these rows can be dragged and dropped into any new or existing design.

  • Customization: Even after a row is saved, it can be modified without affecting its original version.

  • Flexibility: Saved rows make it easy to maintain consistency across various projects while still offering room for project-specific tweaks.

How to Manage Saved Rows

  • Update: You can change the content or settings of a saved row at any time. This won't affect the places it's already been used.

  • Edit Details: Change the name or category directly from the builder sidebar.

  • Delete: Remove a saved row if it's no longer needed.

Using saved rows effectively can speed up your workflow, help maintain design consistency, and allow for greater creative flexibility.

Last updated