Undo, Redo, and History


The Undo, Redo, and History functions are essential tools that enhance your editing experience in the builder. They provide you with a safety net for changes, allowing you to navigate back and forth in your edit history effortlessly.

User Interface

When you make a change in your design, an "Undo widget" appears at the bottom left corner of the builder interface. This widget consists of three main elements:

  • Undo Arrow: Takes you back one step in your edit history.

  • Redo Arrow: Reapplies an undone action, moving you forward in the edit history.

  • History Icon: Opens a timeline that shows a list of your most recent changes.

History Timeline

Clicking on the History Icon opens a timeline displaying your recent actions. For each event, the builder provides:

  • Type Icon: An icon to indicate what type of content changed (image, text, etc.)

  • Description: Details about the change, often including the new value of the modified element.

  • Timestamp: The exact time when the change took place.

These details offer a high degree of precision when you want to revert to a specific prior state.

Selecting Previous Steps

When you click on an entry in the history timeline, the builder highlights the specific content or row that was edited, providing you with context for the change.

Persistence and Limitations

The Undo widget remembers up to 15 of the most recent changes during the current browser session. However, it doesn't store changes made during other browser sessions. If you want to revert all the way to the start, you can rewind to the "opened" step in the timeline.

Co-Editing Considerations

Note that the introduction of a Co-editing feature impacts the behavior of the Undo/Redo functions to prevent unwanted changes when multiple people are editing.

Version Restoration

If you need to revert to a previous version of the entire design, there is usually a separate "design version history" feature that you can use for that purpose.

Understanding how to use these Undo, Redo, and History features effectively will give you more freedom and confidence while editing, knowing that you can easily correct any mistakes or revisit earlier versions of your design.

Last updated